PX functional list + descriptions

Here you can find the whole functional for PX version 7.0.0 and description what it does and how to use it. If you have any desire to improve or add explanations to any of the options, please write to us in Discord and tag ItsiiDanoN🎄#6792 or BigEnot#1337

Self Options



Skin Changer

Allows you to change your player's model

Face Editor

Just like a R* face editor, but re-made in PX


Create your costumes

Wanted Options

Give/remove wanted level etc.

Visual Effects

Bunch of visual effects to apply


Spawn/edit some bodyguards


List of NPC-like scenarious


List with every animation GTA has

Movement Styles

This one should explain itself I guess

Auto Heal

Automatically refills your health/armor according to how you configured it


Local opacity changer

Ped Flags

14 different ped flags to enchance your character's behavior

Particle Effects

List of particle effects & settings

God Mode

Ok you're god now


No one will see your character

Disable Ragdoll

Disable fall physics for your character etc.


Makes objects fly away from you

Run Speed

Change your running speed

Swim Speed

Change your swimming speed

Walk Underwater

Allows you to walk under the water

Super Jump

It's like jump. But super

No Clip

Allows to fly through objects, walls etc.

Slow Motion

Slow the time down!

Hancock Mode

Controllable flight like in Hancock movie

Dragon Breath

Ok you're breathing dragon now


TPs you high in the sky with parachute

Fix Player

Refills health/armor

Replenish Self

Refills health/armor, cleans your character from blood etc.


Your personal Uber driver


Might be usefull to kys

Clean Self

Cleans your character from blood etc.




R*ID Joiner

Allows you to join someone via his R*ID

Session Finder

Specify the type of session and PX will find one for you

Player Manager

Basicaylly old R*ID Database, but a lot better in case of functionality


Make your real information go *spoof* (fake info will replace real one)

Session Locker

Block connections to current session even if you aren't host

Session Alerts

Wanna see if someone joins/leaves your current session and more? This section is for you


Chat logger, chat spoofer & more

Modder Detection

Should be clear ny reading it's name


Force Script Host & Session Host

Show Reports

Reports counter, basically


Section where you can block calls from NPCs


Request different kinds of stuff, but that requires you to own it to avoid bugs


Allows to spawn cars from your garages

Bypass Island Restrictions

Should be understandable just by reading it's name

Remove Submarine Missile Cooldown

Should be understandable just by reading it's name

Bypass Chat Restrictions

Anti Idle Kick

Basically Anti-AFK

Remove Bounty

Should be clear by reading it's name

Remove CEO Ban

Should be clear by reading it's name

Off The Radar

Hide yourself on radar

Bullshark testosterone

Just like a pick-up version, but infinite

Passive Mode

Enabled passive mode for your character

Bypass MP Vehicles in SP

Allows to spawn vehicles from DLCs in single player

Report Notifications

Sends a notification if someone reports you


Enables snow, but locally

Diable Orbital Cannon Cooldown

Removes cooldown from orbital cannon

All Online Players



ESP Options


Remote Options [Premium/Digital Deluxe only]

Bunch of options to grief/annoy people

Change Weather Remotely [Digital Deluxe]

Change weather for everyone in your session

Change Session Time Remotely [Digital Deluxe]

Change time for everyone in your session

Chat Commands

Should be clear just by reading it's name

Attach Options

Attach something to someone

Freeze All

This one also should be clear

Force Send To Island

Send everyone to Cayo Perico party!

Set Bounty

Should be clear by reading it's name

3D Markers On Players

Sets a 3D marker on every player in session so you can track them easily

Trap In Cage

Put them all in cages

Explode All

Kick All From Vehicle


Ram All Players


Crash Session Without Entities

Crash session without using entities *smart*

Online Players (for selected player)




Spectate Player

Should be clear just by reading name

Teleport Options

Few options connected to teleporting

Remote Options [Digital Deluxe]

Same as for all players, but for selected player

Chat Commands

Same as for all players, but for selected player

Wanted Options

Same as in Self Options, but for selected player

Vehicle Options

Bunch of options to mess with player's car

Attach Options

Same as for all players, but for selected player

Spawn enemies

Spawns enemy peds on player

Cloning options

Cloning player with different variations

Blamed Explosions

Kills another player by selected player or kills the whole lobby by selected player

Give vehicle to player

Gives vehicle to player

Gift vehicle

You can gift desired vehicle to your friend and he will be able to sell or own it

Social Club

Show profile etc

Block all script events

Blocks all script events for selected player

To check what exact events this thing gonna block check in "Protection" section in "Script events"

Disable Chat

You won't see messages from that player until disabled

AIO crash

All crashes in one button


Kicks the player out of session as a script host

You can force script host in General online options

Try Network Kick

Should be clear by reading it's name

Set Bounty

Should be clear by reading it's name

Ban Voice Chat

Should be clear by reading it's name

Force Send to Island

Haha, Cayo Perico goes "loading"

Radiation lags

Creates a huge amount of PTFX effects so almost every PC gonna die

Good PC doesn't feel this option


Freezing the player

Means he can't move

Pain in the ass

Spawns and attaches to user guitar and xmas tree and user starting flying with it

You're the one who can stop this, there's no menu which can detach these objects

Add To Player Manager

Adds user into Player Manager

You can access it in Session --> Player Manager

Quiet kill

◘ kills the user so nobody will see that you're the killer

Give money gun

Give's money gun to user so he can shoot money bags to others

Give semi godmode

Gives semi godmode to user

Spawns and attaches huge yellow ball to user(he won't see it) and nobody will be able to kill him by any rifle. He can be killed only my explosions

Ram player

Spawns a random car and ram's selected player

This even can be a tank!

Piggy back

Attaches you to the players back

Trap in cage

Spawns a cage and puts user into it

Explosion loop

Should be clear just by reading name

Hydrant loop

Should be clear just by reading name

Give all weapons

Should be clear just by reading name

Remove all weapons

Should be clear just by reading name


Copying selected player Face/Outfit/Face&Outfit

Camera shake

Should be clear just by reading name

Rain rockets

Should be clear just by reading name

Air strike

Should be clear just be reading name

Face fuck

Spawns a ped with "fuck" animation

Kick(only host)

Kick's the user from session as a session host

You can't obtain it from anyone by using PX



Inside of section


Network Events Protection

Freeze, Remove Weapons, Give Weapons, Request Control, Weather/Time Change, Weapon Damage, ParticleFX, Explosions, Fire protections

Protects you from remote options

Script Events

Kicks, Teleport & Invite Screen, Black Screen, Force To Mission etc. protections

Protects you from script events

Crash Protection

Block weather crash event, Block time crash event, Block player's invalid R*ID, Block invalid ped/vehicle/object models etc.

Protects you from crashing kiddos

Entity Blocker

Block cargo planes/cargobob/custom/all peds/all objects/all cars/all planes etc.

Disable models/objects


Object/Ped/Vehicle/Cage attachments

Protects you from attachments


Block Connection via R*ID/Votekick notifications/Model Change Notification/Block Reports/Block Money Pickups

Few miscellaneous protections stuff

Teleport Options



Teleport Settings

Should be clear just by reading name


Teleport goes brrr

IPL Locations

Locations from SP & new Cayo Perico Island

Vehicle Teleports

Should be clear just by reading name

Available Map Blips

Should be clear just by reading name

Figures & Cards

Collect that stuff from name easily


6 different quests, a lot of shit to collect via teleports

Save Current Location

To teleport to it later

Vehicle Spawn



Spawn Settings

Few settings to vehicle spawner

Save Current Vehicle

To spawn it later

Spawn Saved Vehicle

List of your saved vehicles

Vehicle Options



Tuning [LSC]

Mobile LSC

Vehicle Abilities

Allows you to use special abilities from cars on every car you want

Doors & Windows

Control dors and windows of your car

Vehicle Weapons

Different weapons for your car

Vehicle Multiplayers

Engine, Torque, Dirt Level & Light multiplayers

Auto Drive

Tesla autopilot basically


Allows to locally change opacity of your car

Rainbow Options

Make your car fade with every color of rainbow

Two Wheel Driving

*Arabic nation liked that*

Ramp Creator

Make your car look like Ramp Buggy


Flip your car like a god

Cargobob Magnet

Enabled magnet for cargobob

Vehicle God Mode

Make your can invincible

Repair Vehicle

Should be clear just by reading name

Allow All Vehicle Weapons As Driver

Now you can use even a turret if you're driver

Disable Collision on Air Vehicles

Fly through ground like a god

Flip Upright

Should be clear just by reading name


Automatically flips your car if necessary


Should be clear just by reading name

Car Jump

Allows you to jump on your car if you press space

Drive On Water

Look, Jesus

Drive On Walls

Spider Man

Speed Bost

Accelerate like a god

Damage Indicator

Visual representation of damage your car has

Invisible Vehicle

Where's his car dude

Speed Limiter

Wanna drive like an old grandma? There you go

Super Grip

What's sliding?

Max Upgrades

Tune your car

Disable Gravity

Just read it's name


Kinda drift-mode

Random Paint

Name, read it's name

Seat Belt

Anti bike fall off


Should be clear just by reading name

Speedometer [License Plate]

See your speed on your license plate

Scorched Render

Make your car look rat

Set Vehicle Engine On/Off

Basically tutn engine on/off

Kill Engine

= break the engine

Delete Vehicle

Should be clear just by reading name

Weapon options



Weapon store

Huge section where you can give yourself any weapon available in game, make a custom weapon set, give yourself some attributes( briefcase, digiscanner etc)


The most customizable aimbot in game

Trigger bot

Triggers a shot when you aim at selected player or ped(depends on triggerbot settings)

Bullet changer

Changes the bullet type so you can shoot rockets or any other explosions

Gravity gun

Should be clear by reading name

Magnet gun

Should be clear by reading name

Laser sight

Should be clear by reading name

Money gun

Should be clear by reading name

Vehicle gun

Should be clear by reading name

Rapid fire

You can shoot very fast

Allow Any Personal Weapon in Vehicle

You can use any gun from the driver's seat man


Each your shot creates a small water puddle and shark appears from underwater

Bypass C4 Limit

Should be clear by reading it's name

Airstrike gun

Should be clear by reading name

Flare gun

Shooting flares instead of bullets

Teleport gun

Each shot gonna teleport you

Infinite ammo

Should be clear by reading name

One hit kill

Should be clear by reading name

Invisible weapon

Should be clear by reading name

No reload

Should be clear by reading name

Rainbow gun

Should be clear by reading name

One hit kill(melee weapons)

Should be clear by reading name

Force gun

Works like forcefield options which you can find in Self options

Entity removal gun

Should be clear by reading name

Firework gun

Should be clear by reading name

Rail gun

Should be clear by reading name

Rocket ammo

Shoots rocket

Tank ammo

Shoots tanks

Craft laboratory(will be added later)



Special Options

Function name



Flash mod

You become a flash

E- change move speed; Q- use selected power; R- select power

Black hole

Spawns a huge blackhole which gonna eat everything

Blackhole spawns above your head, absorption effect is a blinking effect when hole eats something. Everything else should be clear.

Ghost rider

You become a ghost rider

Summon motorcycle can be useful when you lost your bike and don't want to spawn a new one you can just summon your previously spawned.

Train driver

You can drive a train!

World Options



Vehicle Traffic

Bunch of options to mess with traffic

Pedestrian Traffic

Bunch of options to mess with peds

Traffic Lights

Bunch of options to mess with traffic lights, but changes are local :(

Weather Options

Change weather like a god

Time Options

Change time as you want

Water Editor





Should be clear by reading name

TV Player

Portative TV player

Free camera

Should be clear by reading name

Mobile radio/Radio

Should be clear by reading name

Police report

I don't know how to describe it, you'll know what it is when you go in there

City cameras

Spawns a camera view at selected position and you can see what other players doing in this location or peds(you belong on the same place)

Weapons in Interiors

Allows you to use weapons in interiors

Disable notifications

Should be clear by reading name

Fild of view aka FOV

Should be clear by reading name

Gameplay camera zoom

Zoom's out your player camera

2D graphics

Use it only if you have low-end pc or you would like to see what the gta would look like on an xbox 360 or PS3

Radar zoom

Should be clear by reading name

Disable flight music

Disables music when you drive a plane

Display FPS

Should be clear by reading name

Hide HUD

Should be clear by reading name

Show coords

Should be clear by reading name

Add maximum amount of cash

Works only in singl player mode

Disable Cutscenes

Should be clear by reading it's name




Upgrade Level

Should be clear just by reading name

Night Club Popularity

Should be clear just by reading name

Crew Rank

Should be clear just by reading name

K/D Ratio

Tryhards time!

Max Skills

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock All Bunker Researches

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock Weapons

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock Tatoos

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock Clothes

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock Chrome Rims

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock Camos & Parachutes

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock Trophies/Awards

You better use this one if you're lvl 135 or higher

Unlock Exclusive T-Shirts

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock All Achievements

You better use this one if you're lvl 135 or higher

Unlock Hairstyles

Should be clear just by reading name

Unlock LS Customs

Should be clear just by reading name

Redesign Character

Allows you to re-design your character

Allow Gender Change

Should be clear just by reading name

Office Full Of Money

You'll need to sell 1 stuff to see effect

Skip Tutorial

Should be clear just by reading name

Remove Bad Sport

Should be clear just by reading name




Menu settings

There you can save your current settings in your config, load settings from your config, reset settings to default and set settings to auto load from your config

Hotkey manager

Custom hotkey manager for menu functions, you can set almost any function to desired hotkey


Select desired menu language

UI Design

Menu UI customization

Navigation controls

Here you can change navigation to Num buttons or arrow button or num+arrow buttons(Open key still gonna be F5)

Last updated

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